
12.10.2006...A Day Early on the Road

Well we hit the road again.

We are heading north and hope to visit Shimla in our tour.

Sorry I don't have more time to write today...and the pictures aren't uploading either.

In brief, we visited a cousin-brother of mummy's yesterday and met up with Gagan, Surnish's cousin.

In the evening we attended Surnish's India-office party. It was a lot of fun and I met some very lovely people.

Look for a report (and pictures) once we return to Gandhinagar.

All the best!


A Pink American


Anonymous said...

Cute Couple!!

Gary Jaycox said...

Jarucia & Surnish --

You guys are quite the pair. It's been a few days since I caught up on your blog. I absolutely loved the Delhi narative and pictures. We keep a map of India here at work and I've been plotting all the places you've been on this trip. This has been an amazing journey. Enjoy your last few days and have a safe trip home!

Love, Dad.