
11.26.2006...NY News

This is not India related and normally I don't like to just regurgitate news, but this one was exceptionally irritating to read.

NY Police Kill Man on Wedding Day

What is so compelling about this piece is that it is reported that the police were trying to stop something they 'thought' was about to happen.

For the number of bullets shot and the fact that these men turned out to be unarmed was particularly disturbing.

Likely, as with case of many police abuse injustices of this extreme nature in recent years, their behavior will be acquitted.

Seriously, how can people anywhere in the US (as there have been incidents in recent years in Georgia, Oakland, LA, and Florida to name a couple off the top of my head), trust these enforcers of the law?

They are touted as protectors of the peace, but seriously that isn't their job as much as it is to enforce the law and HUGE part of that in America entails the focusing on punitive actions rather than remedial or rehabilitative. I'm just be honest here.

I am not against cops as people. They are just regular folks trying to do their job under the guidelines given then. I just take issue with any group to appears to routinely and actively condone, covers-up or deny incidents of power abuse and lethal miscalculations. The typical rationale is that it is a hard job (which it can be) and they need some leeway to execute their duties. When this leeway turns into killing people in the anticipation they were about to be part of a crime....well it seems that Federal level attitudes are trickling down to the local levels.

Peace (and I wish there really was more of it),

A Pink American